Monday, June 19, 2017

Concrete Core Drilling Services - A Short Walk-Through

Concrete Core Drilling Services Brisbane are those very specialized tasks that can be massive, yet delicate, and needs precision inasmuch as these would entail concrete structures, cutting precise circles that should have smooth openings for use on other jobs.

These very strictly professional jobs usually use state-of-the-art diamond cutting equipments and cutting techniques for work that should be as precise as can be for other uses.

Concrete core drilling

Todays most in-demand and widely-recognized work application with drillers is concrete core drilling. (There are also other big important jobs along this line of engineering needs.)

The job is to make precise concrete core drilling to make perfectly round holes that employ concrete core drill bits that consist of a steel tube with diamond segments on the drilling end. These are mounted on rotating shafts of core drilling blades (from a half inch to a massive 72 inches in diameter) and powered by hydraulics or electricity.

The drilling of holes is to get samples and analysis of rocks and other types of earth. These days, most of the work is to create openings to be used for pipes, electric wires and heating, ventilation and vents for air-conditioning. Some uses include the installation of telephone lines and computer lines, fiber optics and even sprinkler systems (in buildings).

Usual uses

Concrete cutting is usual in construction works where the main materials used are stone, terracotta, concrete bricks or even cemented concrete blocks. This method is usually applied to many other projects.

These projects would include highways, bridges, dams, piers and wharves, parking garages, chemical plants, sewage treatment plants, nuclear power plants and others that need the same task done. On smaller accounts, concrete cutting is done to make or enlarge doors, windows and bulkhead openings, cutting trenches for plumbing, sump pumps, electrical conduits and other utilities and drains.

Sample incident

Like any project, the main drilling will not be done unless there will be the clear markings where the drilling should be. After checking on the other pre-drilling aspects (safety measures, power, speed, and other needed materials like water), the project will proceed.

Any untoward incidents will be dealt with as they happen. One instance might be if there is a presence of water or oil in the drilled area which can splash up. The tech will try to lift the drill up and down. In case of a stuck drill, it is brought up, cleaned of the stuck debris, and is returned into work.

The process, like any other project, would first need the clear markings where the drilling should be. In the other drilling process (aside from the concrete core drilling) where they drill the soil for samples, the technician will try to lift the drill up and down should there be water or oil.

Safety measures

Project engineers and supervisors will first look into the safety measures that were prepared beforehand and worked on (inspected). This also include the devices to be used are clean and ready to use (core bit, core drill, water hose, electric cords, wrenches and the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the important goggles.

Concrete core drilling services Brisbane may be run by private companies but strict adherence to safety measures is a must for regulators or they could lose their contract or their insurance.