Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Concrete Cutting as Artwork

The art of concrete cutting shows people’s way of life in artworks, it polishes their talents and skills as seen on their output, and their workmanship tells us their way of overall outlook in life. Though life is as simple and sometimes can be complex, people have to come up with the time passing them. The people’s simplicity and complexity of life are what they make it. In The Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, it explains why man has to change as time changes. If we look into the human’s pursuit of discovering their way to meet their basic needs; and to enjoy their wants’ and whims and caprices, they really work hard to attain their goals with an outstanding achievement.

          In history that we read, the caveman do not bother to work hard for their food and other basic needs; and they survive by picking foods straight from the trees and plants and eat them raw or by roasting them through producing fire naturally from the raw materials around them. Their body covers are barks and leaves of trees and dry animal skins of what they hunted for food. Primitive times, people’s shelter is the caves, stones and under the trees but gone are those days and we are now in the partial instant time.

          Man change as time changes and their needs and wants changes also. The basic needs are no longer food and shelter but it kept improving as mankind innovate strategies that are appropriate to the solution of their increasing and improving needs and wants. For all you know, mankind is the only creatures who were given the ability and capability to think and plan for their life and to enjoy and subdue it. No any other creature. Man only can have the capability to do artwork in any form and kind of work.

To talk or communicate and deal with people around them, they build their relationships with each other before they agree how to improve and do things better for their families, their relatives, their friends and their neighbors. They then gather and meet to consolidate their ideas and plan together to build their own houses and homes. The then called concrete cutting Brisbane is a kind of artwork and a part of building construction with a more durable, carefully designed by artworks and long lasting house building, for their family member to stay and live when they are gone.

Most of all the houses built nowadays are made of concrete materials and even high rise building though there are still some who live on light materials or half-half. These Architects, Engineers, the workforce staff in the construction of these high rise buildings were so skilled in the preparation of the foundation by their concrete core drilling and concrete cutting artworks. These skills can deal with almost all concrete houses and big and high rise buildings everywhere and also to medium rise and simple or light materials houses and buildings. Concrete cutting Brisbane functions in the workforce of building industry are very important and in demand nowadays.