Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Know Your Concrete Core Drilling Project

Electricians, plumbers and other handymen have their handy drills as part of their tool kits. They have those small drills since it is a part of their job to drill some holes so that cables or lines can pass through them. But with large construction projects, where big circular holes are needed to be made, there are special types of drills that are used by those companies that offer Brisbane concrete core drilling services. Those electric or hydraulic drills are larger than the occasional drills some handymen use. You should be familiar with the drilling tool that you will use for your DIY project. There are manuals that can guide you on how to do it. But if you aren’t technically experienced in this kind of drilling process, then just hire someone to do it for you. He will be more knowledgeable than you and will know on how to do the process efficiently so you can just sit back and relax.
A core drill with a diamond tip can be costly but drills like this is more efficient for the task. The structural integrity of where the drilling project is not compromised because of the fewer vibrations produced by this tool. The chances of damaging the area is minimized with the use of this tool.  Firms that offer Brisbane concrete core drilling services have a wide range of tools that they can use for their clients’ projects. It is a cost-effective solution to just hire those professionals than you working on your drilling project. You might ruin the area and will not be able to do a precise core drilling. The professional ones have their own and tested technique on how to get the right hole size. They know if they have to drill slowly in the beginning and when to drill faster and adjust the drilling equipment. When drilling on a hard surface such as the concrete, there are ways to ensure that a favorable result is made. The right size of the drill should be used. It should also have the power to drill on your project’s surface. Whether your drilling project requires a small circular hole or a little bit larger, shallow or deeper holes, there is a drill tool that can make it. Also, those skilled workers will know on how to achieve the right hole size for your project.
Selecting which of those companies that have concrete core drilling services to hire can a little bit tricky. However, you just have to choose a company that has been in the business for years, has the right set of equipment and tools, has a good reputation and offers the best customer satisfaction. It is important that you know the company that you are planning to hire for the drilling task.  Those big drilling projects that involves a lot of money don’t just trust any company to do the drilling before them. Have the time to get to know about the company that you will hire. Also, be knowledgeable about the drilling project that you will have so you will understand what the drilling workers will say to you on how they will go about the process. Be an informed project owner.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Brisbane Core Drilling Tools and Techniques

If you want a perfect hole in a concrete object, Brisbane core drilling is the best choice. It is a process of that use core drills to cut holes in a concrete surface. If you need the same process on a construction site, learn know how it can help you.


There are several kinds of tools and methods used for Brisbane core drilling. The surfaces are of concrete hard and drilling in them needs power. But, cutting perfect holes on the surface can be difficult. When the drilling process is done, you can remove the concrete from the wall to achieve the perfect holes. Brisbane core drilling is used to create multiple holes in the surface first to take out large amounts of concrete.

Uses of Core Drilling

The process is used for setting up electric lines, plumbing, heating facilities, etc. The techniques of core drilling are used to produce various sizes of holes in the concrete walls, as needed. It is readily availed for all types of underground works, too. Installation of drain lines, water pipes, and phone lines; these projects need heavy amounts of core drilling. This is the reason why construction workers depend on the best tools and equipment for any drilling job to get the best results.

Different techniques of core drilling are used by the workers depending on the job and desired results. The primary types of core drilling tools are the handheld and mounted drills.

One of the most widely used techniques is the rotary core drilling. It is used to make holes in concretes and rocks. It uses both wet and dry drilling methods that are used on the surface.

In construction sites, the electric and hydraulic drilling methods are typically used. The electric drilling is ideal for gas lines, electric lines, and plumbing. The hydraulic process is used when large and deep holes are required on a concrete surface.

Other tools used are mini electric drills and electric drills. For small projects such as installing a cable inside a house or office, the perfect tool is the mini handheld. However, mounted drills are used for larger holes. A professional core drilling service provides tailor-made solutions to various drilling need.

Additional Drilling Tips:

·         Do not stand on a rig to hold it down, as it creates a ribbing effect on the core, and the bit will bind up in the hole eventually.

·         Make sure there are no water, gas, or power lines in the area where you are going to drill

·         For operator safety, manufacturers generally recommend drilling over 67mm with the drill mounted in a stand.

·         Use clean water and turn it on before turning on the motor. This is to prevent the water jacket seals from overheating, causing them to leak.

·         Add water until it becomes slurry. Use the right amount of water. Too little water can overheat the diamond segments, while too much of it washes the abrasive slurry away that is needed to keep the segment and the diamonds exposed fresh.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Core Drilling on a Hard Surface

In Brisbane concrete core drilling, the drill operator must always take precaution in his task. Operating a drilling equipment can be dangerous. It can injure him and may cause his life. It requires skills and knowledge on how to perform the task and how to use the tool effectively and safely. The one who will be using the drilling tool should have read carefully the operating manual for his safety and to be efficient with his work. Professional drill operators should know all of those safety measures. Aside from having the drilling skills and experiences, these workers should wear the protective gear such as gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection and some other personal protection stuff.  Small bits of concrete or dust can affect the worker’s drilling task. Also, the sound from operating some of the drilling equipment can sometimes be loud that there is a need to protect the sense of hearing.
Before any Brisbane concrete core drilling task that will be done, the person in charge with the drilling process should inspect the working area. There should be no other obstructions such as electrical lines or those gas lines on the section to be drilled. The area should be free from hazards to prevent having a massive effect of doing the task. Those skilled workers will know if the concrete or the surface area can withstand the drilling process or if there is a need to put a support system while doing it. This task can put a back strain on the worker. With a drill operator being experienced with this work, he will know the proper stance while doing this to prevent or lessen the back strain that he will feel. With the right drilling tool that will be used for the specific task, one can avoid messing the area and the job. It is always the better option to let a professional do the drilling work for you. Some drilling tool might require a little water to be added during the process. One must know the right amount of water to be used, not too little and too much. The experienced drill operator will know how to go about this. The correct drilling speed of the tool is also an important aspect with this task. There must be enough power to grind or put a hole on the surface.
Improper usage of the concrete core drilling tool can wear it down easily. It is a must that the correct type of drilling equipment should be used on the specific surface. Quality result can be achieved when the right tools are used. The drilling task can be simple or complex but if the individual who will be doing the task knows the work like the back of his hands, he will be able to achieve that and the drilling will be done perfectly to the client’s satisfaction. Whatever the purpose of the core drilling, the one that you will hire should be able to ensure that a quality work will be achieved. Get the right core hole drilling service in your area so that you will have no worries of having a poor job being done on your project.