Monday, February 11, 2019

Brisbane Demolition – Should You DIY or Hire the Pros?

When tackling a Brisbane demolition job, the first question for the DIY homeowner would typically be, “Should I do this myself, or hire a pro?” It’s understandable that a homeowner would want to do the job himself, especially if it’s just a renovation project for the house. Sometimes it’s a task that can be done by an experienced DIY enthusiast, but sometimes, you’re better off calling a professional to handle the job. So how would you know which job is which?

Getting Started and Making Plans – Hire a Pro

Never rush into a home renovation project without properly planning for everything, most especially if there’s Brisbane demolition to be done. Even before making that “to do” list and going shopping for materials and equipment, it’s definitely better to hire someone that’s more experienced and more knowledgeable of the job to help with the planning, even if you do end up doing it yourself.

A professional contractor will be able to help you think strategically about the scope of work your renovation project will need, how to break it down to smaller phases, and help you create a relevant plan accordingly. If you’re planning on doing large-scale renovation, you will absolutely need to hire a professional inspector to check the systems in the building or house, which includes the HVAC ducting, electrical wiring, plumbing, etc. This is a job that should be left to the pros.

Purchasing the Materials – DIY

After the planning stage, you will need to purchase the materials and tools needed for the renovation and Brisbane demolition project. You can take care of this yourself; there is no need to call a contractor for this one, unless you’re just asking for recommendations where to buy. This includes the tiles, the cabinetry, the fixtures, as well as the doors and windows. However, we suggest calling up your architect or contractor to consult on sizes and quantities, otherwise you might discover that the batch you ordered was either not enough, too many, or just doesn’t fit.

Light Demolition – DIY

A light demolition job for your home renovation project can certainly be accomplished on your own, which includes taking apart cabinets, fixtures, and appliances, or pulling up floorboards, tiles, and carpets. As long as it’s not a structural element of the house, you’re free to go ahead. What you need a pro for, however, will be tearing down walls, roofs, and other elements that affect the overall structural integrity of the house or building. It’s not as simple as smashing down walls with a sledgehammer.

Any Demolition Work Involving Gas, Plumbing, Electricity – Hire a Pro

You might be forgiven for wanting to take a sledgehammer to the walls yourself, but when your demolition job involves taking down a gas line, electrical wiring, or plumbing, you will definitely need to hire a professional for that. It’s not just because of the actual work involved, but because renovation plans for major plumbing and electrical lines will require permits. That is a time-consuming, complicated affair that you will be better off assigning to the pros.