Thursday, August 20, 2020

Simplifying Demolition


When a structure reach a certain age and is deemed unsafe, it will be up for demolition Brisbane in order to make way for new structures to be constructed. Demolition Brisbane involves a licensed demolitionist to examine the location and outline methods of demolition strategies and provide risk assessments. A well-planned sequence of events and anticipated timelines will be presented. It is important to make sure that the demolition team should have the necessary qualifications and experience required to work efficiently, and minimize any potential risks. If there are any hazardous materials involved, this should be coordinated with the appropriate agencies in compliance with health and safety community guidelines.  


Understanding the demolition process involves knowing the steps involve in it. The first step is surveying. This step will include the study of the structure’s parameters and surroundings. It has two types which are called building surveying and structural surveying. In conducting building surveying, the types of construction material used and previous or current usage of building during demolition are considered. The presence of wastewater, hazardous materials, matters arising from toxic chemicals, flammable or explosive and radioactive materials, etc. are being accounted for. Also, the drainage conditions or possible problems on water pollution, flooding and erosion are also examined. Moreover, shared facilities with adjoining building, including common staircases, partition walls, adjoining pedestrian and vehicular traffic conditions. The sensitivity of neighborhood relative to noise, dust, vibration and traffic impact are big factors. On the other hand, when it comes to structural surveying, different methods of construction, structural systems and structural conditions of basements, underground tanks or underground vaults as well as the original structural systems employed in the design and the condition of the building are all examined.


The second step in the demolition process is removal of hazardous materials. If during the initial investigation prior to the actual demolition, hazardous materials like asbestos minerals, petroleum contamination and radioactive metals were found, these are required to be removed. Demolition Brisbane is composed of a group of trained and highly skilled demolitionists who are hired for the removal of the hazardous materials from the demolition site prior to the demolition of structure.


The third step in the demolition process is crafting of the official demolition plan for structures. A well-planned demolition strategy is proposed which should illustrate the different processes involved to pull through a successful demolition job. This should specify the location of the building to be demolished, distances from the building to be demolished to its adjacent buildings, streets, structures and significant street furniture, the structural support systems of the building. A plan detailing the procedure for the demolition of the building; sequences of demolition events of structural members; and the method of demolition to be executed. A good demolition plan should also provide all precautionary measures for the protection of the public including hoardings, covered walkways, catch platforms, catch fans, scaffolding, protective screens and safety nets. It is also necessary to include the method of handling demolished building debris and the time requirement to complete demolition process.


The fourth and final step in the demolition process is ensuring safety measures during demolition of building structures. All the workers, site supervisors and engineers including plant and equipment operators are educated with the potential hazards and process of demolitions. All flammable materials are removed from the site like wood, timber, fuels etc. and should be stored in proper storage facilities. A station for firefighting equipment should be maintained near the demolition site. Many health problems are faced by the workers due to exposure to dust, chemicals, heat stress and ventilation, noise exposure, so these problems should be addressed by establishing preventive measures.